Thursday, April 11, 2019


THE GIFT AND POWER OF EMOTIONAL COURAGE Psychologist Susan David shares how the way we deal with our emotions shapes everything that matters: our actions, careers, relationships, health and happiness. In this deeply moving, humorous and potentially life-changing talk, she challenges a culture that prizes positivity over emotional truth.

Thoughts about Ms. David’s TED Talk.

Although Ms. David's approach to emotional agility makes sense, in real life, this is harder to make work. For instance, I go about my day at work, and inevitably I am asked: "How are you"? If I were to be emotionally truthful with each person I come in contact with, they would more probably think "TMI!!" And, visa versa, I don't expect everyone who I ask how they are doing to be emotionally truthful with me. I think I like Susan's approach using the Zulu word for Hello - Sawubona because it doesn't lend you to have to declare how you really may be feeling to someone who isn't prepared to here your "truth." I think just positively acknowledging someone may be enough.

When faced with a series of heath "scares" or "challenges" or whatever you care to call those times when you may or may not be diagnosed with something pretty scary, but you are at that stage where there is no diagnosis - yet. The issue could be this or that or it may not be a big deal. And, if it’s your first time running back and forth for various tests and biopsies, your emotional state is really in flux - alot!

I tend to hold my emotions in when I am very concerned about something. I may not share with even my closest friends until there are concrete facts to talk about. However, sometimes, you just find someone who you may not be as close with who you share with because they know someone who is really going through difficult medical times and you want to know what that road looks like (in order to try and avoid going there). That's where I am at right now.

Trying to be emotionally agile is tougher when you are on one of life’s  serious roller coasters and not sure where it will end. I try to be open about what could be coming while trying to stay positive and look at it as all very funny until it's not.

In reading some of the comments, two quotes people mentioned were: Emotions are data, and Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.

I remember a time or two I was about to make a seriously expensive purchase. Sometime during those moments when I was about to the sign the check or give over the credit card, my body would literally react. I would start to perspire, felt nervous, like I wasn’t even thinking clearly. I used to spend extravagantly for my age; and now I look back and think “Wow! I should have been listening.” My bank account would be much more healthy today!

So, if emotions are data, how do you read the data?

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